About TrackEaseAI

About TrackEaseAI

Over 3 years ago, Derek Iorg started working on attribution software, geared toward attorneys. Derek has been working in attorney marketing for over 10 years, and working in SEO and Web Development, focusing on online client conversion. He saw a big need for real attribution, and ways to simplify and make analyzing marketing ads a faster, and more efficient process.

TrackEaseAI Objective

We’re here to help you simplify your marketing world online. Why should you have to log into a lot of different sites to check your site and ad performance? TrackEaseAi allows you to see your phone calls, forms, chats, any ads your running (google, bing, yahoo, instagram, facebook, etc) in one place. Mark the clients you’ve signed, see what source they came from, and run actual attribution reports, no more guessing.

Where did TrackEaseAI Originate?

In 2017, Derek Iorg was using the sources available to get the best attribution he could, but it took a lot of time. The biggest obstacle at the time, was the lack of information. As attorneys and their staff know, people may visit your site 10 times over a period of a few months, before they make up their mind. Not to mention the inability to track how visitors entered the website, and what part of their marketing strategies were working. Derek was dealing with these issues and more trying to get real attribution, and actual cost per client. Derek knew there was a better way and so he decided to take the bold move of building it.

Get TrackEastAI Setup in Your Office Today!

Our client setup team can help you with any questions you have, and give you a demo of the software. We want to make this process as easy as possible for you, and make sure you have all the resources and help you need to get the most out of our product. Contact us today to get started.